I’m building an application, and I’m trying to use PreparedStatements in order to execute SQL queries. Basically, there is a search option and I’m trying to use SQL LIKE method in the search box. The name is taken from the search box and is inserted into the PreparedStatement.
try { PreparedStatement ps2 = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM books WHERE book_name LIKE ? AND status=?"); ps2.setString(1, name2 + "%"); ps2.setString(2, stat); ResultSet rs = ps2.executeQuery(); dt.setRowCount(0); while (rs.next()) { Object ob[] = { rs.getString("book_name"), rs.getString("book_author") }; dt.addRow(ob); } } catch (Exception af) { jLabel29.setText("No result Found !"); } break;
Where name2 is the what the user searches. However, when I do this, the program is only giving an output if the first word in the column “book_name” matches the searched item. For example, for a sentence “My name is Jack”, if I type in “Jack” or “name”, there is no output, but if I type in “My”, the whole row is detected.
It should be LIKE '%<searchString>%'
to consider all the preceeding and succeeding characters for wildcard search.
In other words, use:
ps2.setString(1, "%" + name2 + "%");