I am a very new java programmer, the below code is my first attempt at my own project. I’m certain the code is a mess, please forgive me.
In the below code the user is prompted to enter 5 values between 1 and 50. I am placing the input values into an int[]. I want to verify that the numbers are in range so I pass the value to a method. MY ISSUE: If the value is in range it gets returned then the for loop increments to repeat – Good Behavior If an invalid value is entered the check is done, error message is displayed and the user is prompted to reenter a proper value. If one invalid entry is made and a proper value is entered on the second attempt, a correct value is returned – Good Behavior If two invalid entries are made the second invalid entry somehow gets passed back to the for loop and gets added to array – BAD Behavior
I am certain there is something simple I am missing.
public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); System.out.print("you get 5 elements between 01 & 50:"); int a[] = new int[5]; System.out.println("nEnter all the elements:"); for(int i = 0; i < 5;) { int b = in.nextInt(); a[i] = checkNum(b); i++; } System.out.println("Numbers:" + Arrays.toString(a)); in.close(); } static int checkNum(int z) { Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); if (z>0 && z<51) { return z; } else { System.out.println("Invalid Entry!! Enter a valid number between 01 & 50"); int qz = s.nextInt(); z = qz; checkNum(qz); } return z; }
The problem resides in your checkNum()
, you are using recursion here, I don’t think you know this (if you do that’s great).
You need to return
the checkNum(qz) value, I have simplified your logic a bit.
static int checkNum(int z) { if (z<1 || z>50) // check for false value { System.out.println("Invalid Entry!! Enter a valid number between 01 & 50"); Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in); return checkNum(s.nextInt()); } return z; }