I have following Jackson annotated classes (Kotlin)
@JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type" ) @JsonSubTypes( value = [ JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Child1::class, name = "child1"), JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Child2::class, name = "child2") ] ) sealed class Parent class Child1: Parent() class Child2: Parent()
I try to deserialize JSON that does not contain type
property but I provide concrete class so it should not matter
// Kotlin extension method provides type in runtime mapper.readValue<Child1>(json)
I get Missing type id when trying to resolve subtype of ...
anyway. Is there a way how to tell Jackson to use the type provided in the deserialization and not to try find it from the type
a default implementation class to use for deserialization via defaultImpl
@JsonTypeInfo(use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, property = "type", defaultImpl = Child1.class)
From the Javadoc:
Optional property that can be used to specify default implementation class to use for deserialization if type identifier is either not present, or can not be mapped to a registered type (which can occur for ids, but not when specifying explicit class to use). Property has no effect on choice of type id used for serialization; it is only used in deciding what to do for otherwise unmappable cases.