I have an interface that is implemented by multiple classes, and these classes also have some extra methods. If I autowire the class. Is there a way I can autowire these extra methods?
public interface ExampleInterface { String methodOne(); String methodTwo(); }
Service 1
@Service public class ServiceOne implements ExampleInterface { @Override String methodOne() { return "one"; } @Override String methodTwo() { return "two"; } String methodThree() { return "three"; } }
Service 2
@Service public class ServiceTwo implements ExampleInterface { @Override String methodOne() { return "1"; } @Override String methodTwo() { return "2"; } String otherMethod() { return "hello"; } }
If I try to directly Autowire the service like this-
@Service public class Service{ ServiceOne serviceOne; @Autowired public Service(ServiceOne serviceOne) { this.serviceOne = serviceOne; } }
then I am getting error something like this-
Parameter 0 of constructor in Service required a bean of type 'ServiceOne' that could not be found.
I was using @ConditionalOnProperty on the services, that is why it was not getting autowired.