I am writing a Spring Boot project to Run a Cloud Config Server and 3 Micro-services to run as a Client.
I would want to check availability of all properties in application.properties or yaml file before starting the tomcat server.
We already have a similar one for Database Startup Validation, but here I am trying to achieve the same for Property file availability.
Can someone let me know or suggest possible solutions.
You can simply add whatever you want to add in application.properties / yaml file and then access the property and its value in SpringBoot Application like this.
I think this could help you.
property1=true property2=false property3=abc property5=1223243
and in SpringBoot Application
@SpringBootApplication public class TestApplication{ @Value("${property1}") private boolean property1 @Value("${property2}") private boolean property2 @Value("${property3}") private String property3 @Value("${property5}") private int property5 public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(TestApplication.class, args); } }
If we are agreed to create a Pre-Script that run before tomcat startup then
Using the following code snippet we can parse the application.properties
file and create object and then loop through the length of properties file and check the Key Value pairs
FileReader reader=new FileReader("application.properties"); Properties p=new Properties(); p.load(reader); System.out.println(p.getProperty("user")); System.out.println(p.getProperty("password"));