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How to write or mock interface methods available in jar?

Having Method like

public boolean getConfirmation(int timeout) {
  Selection Selection;
 try {                                                                            
      Selection = XYZ.getHelperCommands().getDisplayConfirmation(timeout);               
      } catch (Exception e) {                                                                   
         return false;                                                                               
        boolean result=false;
    if(Selection!=null) {
        result= (Selection.compareTo(Selection.YES) == 0);
    }"getConfirmation() completed with result : " + result);
    return result ;

in above method helperCommands is a interface in my Jar file that contains getDisplayConfirmation() method my question is how can i mock this method i check below link but no help

Unit testing of Jar methods in java i’m using below dependency



is it mendatory to use powerMockRunner ? or above code is enough to write junit?



I am asuming that XYZgetHelperCommands() is some static call. In this case, I would suggest not using static mocking, but instead using a wrapper plus dependency injection. In other words, first you create a simple class…

public class HelperCommandWrapper {
   public Selection getDisplayConfirmation() {
     return XYZ.getHelperCommands().getDisplayConfirmation(timeout);

So, now you have a class that you can mock (ideally, use an interface). And now you simply give an instrance of that class into the constructor of your class…

public WhateverYourClassNameIs(HelperCommandWrapper helperCommandWrapper) {
    this.helperCommandWrapper = helperCommandWrapper;

…and now you can use that in your code and also easily mock it…

public boolean getConfirmation(int timeout) {
  Selection Selection;
 try {                                                                            
      Selection = this.helperCommandWrapper.getDisplayConfirmation(timeout);               
      } catch (Exception e) {                                                                   
         return false;                                                                               

And voila, now you can easily mock your specific usecase without having to care that the original implementation will call a static method.
