Given the following code:
private static final String DELIMITER = " "; @AfterMapping protected void createCompactInfo(@MappingTarget User user) { String vorname = Optional.ofNullable(user.getVorname()).orElse(Strings.EMPTY); String nachname = Optional.ofNullable(user.getNachname()).orElse(Strings.EMPTY); String email = Optional.ofNullable(user.getEmail()).orElse(Strings.EMPTY); String compactInfo = (vorname + DELIMITER + nachname + DELIMITER + (email.isEmpty() ? Strings.EMPTY : "(" + email + ")")) .trim(); if (compactInfo.isEmpty()) { user.setCompakt( Optional.ofNullable(user.getId()).orElse(Strings.EMPTY)); } else { user.setCompakt(compactInfo); }
I am trying and discussing in the team how the simpliest code could look like while one could use also constructs like:
- org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils: defaultString()
- MoreObjects.firstNonNull(user.getVorname(), Strings.EMPTY)
A possible test could be like (expected results are visible here too):
private static Stream<Arguments> arguments() { return Stream.of( Arguments.of("Peter", "Silie", "", "BOND", "Peter Silie ("), Arguments.of(null, "Silie", "", "BOND", "Silie ("), Arguments.of("Peter", null, "", "BOND", "Peter ("), Arguments.of("Peter", "Silie", null, "BOND", "Peter Silie"), Arguments.of(null, "Silie", null, "BOND", "Silie"), Arguments.of(null, null, "", "BOND", "("), Arguments.of("Peter", null, null, "BOND", "Peter"), Arguments.of(null, null, null, "BOND", "BOND")); } @ParameterizedTest( name = "{index}" + ". Test: vorname={0}, nachname={1}, email={2}; expected: {3}") @MethodSource(value = "arguments") void verifyUserKompakt( String vorname, String nachname, String email, String kuerzel, String expectedResult) { // arrange Base base = Base.builder() .vorname(vorname) .nachname(nachname) .email(email) .kuerzel(kuerzel) .build(); // act User userResult = userMapperImpl.doIt(base); // assert assertThat(userResult.getUserKompakt()).isEqualTo(expectedResult); }
Any ideas welcome… what could I try?
BTW: java 17 is allowed 🙂
The following code seemss to be very close but does not handle the braces for email if existing:
String compactInfo = (Stream.of( user.getVorname(), user.getNachname(), user.getEmail()) .map(s -> s != null ? s : "") .collect(Collectors.joining(" "))) .trim(); user.setUserKompakt( compactInfo.isEmpty() ? Optional.ofNullable(user.getKuerzel()).orElse("") : compactInfo);
Since you have duplicated code to transform vorname
, nachname
and userId
you may want to extract the logic to a Function or an UnaryOperator because it is a string to string transformation and an additional one for the email. Example
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator; .... private static final String EMPTY = ""; private static final String DELIMITER = " "; UnaryOperator<String> nameOp = o -> Optional.ofNullable(o).orElse(EMPTY); UnaryOperator<String> mailOp = o -> Optional.ofNullable(o).map(s -> String.format("(%s)", s)).orElse(EMPTY); @AfterMapping protected void createCompactInfo(@MappingTarget User user) { String compactInfo = Stream.of(nameOp.apply(user.getVorname()), nameOp.apply(user.getNachname()), mailOp.apply(user.getEmail())) .filter(Predicate.not(String::isEmpty)) .collect(Collectors.joining(DELIMITER)); user.setCompakt(compactInfo.isEmpty() ? nameOp.apply(user.getId()) : compactInfo); }