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How to setServletPath() in Spring Junit WebTestClient?

@SpringBootTest(properties = "spring.mvc.servlet.path=/test/path")
public class MyTest {
   private WebTestClient webTestClient

   public void test() {

public class MyController {    
    public Object post(HttpServletRequest req) {
        System.out.println(req.getServletPath()); //always empty in tests

This creates a MockHttpServletRequest that is send to the @RestContoller servlets.

Problem: my servlets make use of HttpServletRequest.getServletPath(), but which is always empty using the WebTestClient approach above.

Question: how can I explicit set the servletPath in my junit tests?



I could solve it as follows, but as this is really hacky, I’d still appreciate a proper solution.

static class ServletPathMockConfiguration {
    public Filter filter() {
        return (request, response, filterchain) -> {
            Object req = request;
            while (req instanceof ServletRequestWrapper) {
                req = ((ServletRequestWrapper) req).getRequest();
            if (req instanceof MockHttpServletRequest)
                ((MockHttpServletRequest) req).setServletPath("/junit/mock/path");

            filterchain.doFilter(request, response);
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