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How to return custom response in Spring with several attributes other than the List

I’m trying to get a custom response back from a spring rest controller back to the user, containing a list of all registered users and other keys such as sucess, etc. I tried the following approach but the Json array is completly escaped as a string…


I get something like this


and wanted something like:


Is there any way I can get the json array properly showed after a request?



You can let Spring Boot handle the serialization of the response entity.

Create a POJO which defines your response object.


This lets you simplify your getAllWorkers method a bit:


Note that I added a separate message field for the error message. I find that clients are much happier if a specific field is not used for different types of data. “info” should never be anything else than a list of workers and “message” should never be anything else than a String.

Disclaimer: I didn’t have a Spring Boot project setup to test this properly. If something is not working let me know and I will check it.

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