I have dynamic JSONs and their key-path, I need to change the values of the Json on received key paths
As an example, in have below JSON and key (cars.car1)
{ "name":"John", "age":null, "time":"2021", "vType":"yes", "cars":{ "car1":"Ford", "car2":"BMW", "car3":"Fiat" }, "lastOverScore":[ 4, 1, 6, 6, 2, 1 ], "letterSet":[ "a", "b", "c", "d" ] }
I need to change the value of cars.car1. as “Benz”. Also Please Note JSON body and its keys will change from time to time.
As an example, next time I may get a totally different JSON body with related key.
The key for the below JSON is: errors.source.pointer (Need to change the value of the given key)
{ "errors": [ { "source": { "pointer": "test" }, "detail": "Missing `data` Member at document's top level." } ] }
Any idea to do this with Java
Through below code able to replace or remove the given item.
public JSONObject updateOrRemoveJsonProperty(Object js1, String keys, Object valueNew, ConfigData.JsonBuildType payloadEnum, String targetKey){ try { List<String> keyMain = new LinkedList<String>(Arrays.asList(keys.split("\."))); for (int i = 0; i < keyMain.size(); i++) { if(js1 instanceof JSONObject || js1 instanceof JSONArray){ if(keyMain.size() >1 && i+1 < keyMain.size()) { String tmpKey= ""; String stringArray =""; try { tmpKey = keyMain.get(i); keyMain.remove(i); stringArray = StringUtils.join(keyMain, "."); keyMain.clear(); updateOrRemoveJsonProperty(((JSONObject) js1).get(tmpKey), stringArray, valueNew, payloadEnum, targetKey); }catch (JSONException js){ if(!tmpKey.isEmpty() && tmpKey.matches(KeyMapper.KEYLSTREGX)){ String[] tmp = tmpKey.replaceFirst(KeyMapper.KEYLSTREGX, "$1, $2").split(","); try { updateOrRemoveJsonProperty((JSONArray)(((JSONArray)((JSONObject) js1).get(tmp[0])).get(Integer.parseInt(tmp[1].trim()))), stringArray, valueNew, payloadEnum, targetKey); }catch (ClassCastException ex){ updateOrRemoveJsonProperty((JSONObject)(((JSONArray)((JSONObject) js1).get(tmp[0])).get(Integer.parseInt(tmp[1].trim()))), stringArray, valueNew, payloadEnum, targetKey); } } } } else { if((keyMain.get(i)).length() > 2 && keyMain.get(i).matches(KeyMapper.KEYLSTREGX)){ String[] tmp = keyMain.get(i).replaceFirst(KeyMapper.KEYLSTREGX, "$1, $2").split(","); if(targetKey != "" && tmp[0].trim().equals(targetKey) && !payloadEnum.equals(ConfigData.JsonBuildType.REMOVE)) { ((JSONObject) js1).put(tmp[0], valueNew); } else if (targetKey != "" && tmp[0].trim().equals(targetKey) && payloadEnum.equals(ConfigData.JsonBuildType.REMOVE)){ ((JSONObject) js1).remove(tmp[0]); } } if(targetKey != "" && keyMain.get(i).equals(targetKey) && !payloadEnum.equals(ConfigData.JsonBuildType.REMOVE)) { ((JSONObject) js1).put(keyMain.get(i), valueNew); } else if (targetKey != "" && keyMain.get(i).equals(targetKey) && payloadEnum.equals(ConfigData.JsonBuildType.REMOVE)){ ((JSONObject) js1).remove(keyMain.get(i)); } } } } }catch (JSONException ex){ } return (JSONObject) js1; }