how to display array data in json object if the json data is like below. I want to display array data of Ingredient and step. This is the full API Address that I want to fetch the data
I’ve tried several ways but I can’t find how to implement it properly.
this is my json model.
@SerializedName("ingredient") @Expose Ingredient ingredient = null; public Ingredient getIngredient() { return ingredient; } public void setIngredient(Ingredient ingredient) { this.ingredient = ingredient; }
This is the code I use to display the data
public void LoadData() { Call<ResultsResponse> call = Config.getInstance().getApi().results(kunci); call.enqueue(new Callback<ResultsResponse>() { @Override public void onResponse(Call<ResultsResponse> call, Response<ResultsResponse> response) { shimmerFrameLayout.startShimmer(); detailJudul.setText(response.body().getResults().getTitle()); detailWaktu.setText(response.body().getResults().getTimes()); detailKesulitan.setText(response.body().getResults().getDificulty()); detailPorsi.setText(response.body().getResults().getServings()); detailDeskripsi.setText(response.body().getResults().getIngredient()); detailAuthor.setText(response.body().getResults().getAuthor().getUser()); Glide.with(DetailResepActivity.this) .load(response.body().getResults().getThumb()) .apply(new RequestOptions().override(400, 400)) .into(detailGambar); //Intent Baca Resep di browser llVisitWeb.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { String url = ("" + kunci); Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW); i.setData(Uri.parse(url)); startActivity(i); } }); shimmerFrameLayout.setVisibility(View.GONE); } @Override public void onFailure(Call<ResultsResponse> call, Throwable t) { Log.d("Hasil", t.getMessage()); } }); //Intent kembali ke MainActivity RelativeLayout ivBack=findViewById(; ivBack.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { Intent i = new Intent(v.getContext(), MainActivity.class); startActivity(i); } }); }
This is the error that android studio shows
Thanks, I hope someone gives an example project that displays array data in a json object like my problem above.
Thanks Gralls, I can display the array data by creating a new string and implementing
String ingredient= response.body().getResults().getIngredient().toString(); detailDeskripsi.setText(ingredient);
it into the previously created string. Then how to make the data ingredient can be in the form of a list?
I don’t have an example project but ingredients is array of strings. So instead of having
@SerializedName("ingredient") @Expose Ingredient ingredient = null;
you should parse array into some sort of the list
@SerializedName("ingredient") List<String> ingredient = null;
I hope that this will help 🙂