we have a client who gives us a IloModeler
and we use that to solve the optimization problem doing this:
IloCplex cplex = new IloCplex(); cplex.setModel(IloModeler);
and, at the end we would like to return to the client a map with all IloNumVar
and their value: Map<IloNumVar, Double>
But the issue is: How can we obtain from the original IloModeler
the list of all IloNumVar
in order to see their value using the function cplex.getValue(IloNumVar)
java.util.Iterator iterator() This method returns an iterator that traverses the objects in the model.
For example with the zoo example
IloCplex cplexBus = new IloCplex();// decision variables IloNumVar nbbus40 = cplexBus.numVar(0, 10000,IloNumVarType.Int,"var nbBus40"); IloNumVar nbbus30 = cplexBus.numVar(0, 10000,IloNumVarType.Int,"var nbBus30");// move at least 300 kids to the zoo cplexBus.add(nbbus40); cplexBus.add(nbbus30); cplexBus.addGe(cplexBus.sum(cplexBus.prod(40,nbbus40), cplexBus.prod(30,nbbus30)),300);// objective : minimize cost = 500*nbbus40+400*nbBus30 cplexBus.addMinimize(cplexBus.sum(cplexBus.prod(500,nbbus40), cplexBus.prod(400,nbbus30)));cplexBus.solve();System.out.println("nbbus40 : " +cplexBus.getValue(nbbus40) ); System.out.println("nbbus30 : " +cplexBus.getValue(nbbus30) ); java.util.Iterator it = cplexBus.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object o = it.next(); if (o instanceof IloNumVar) { System.out.print("Variable :"+((IloNumVar)o).getName()+"n"); } }
[java] nbbus40 : 6.0 [java] nbbus30 : 2.0 [java] Variable :var nbBus40 [java] Variable :var nbBus30