Write a Java application that takes in a number of grade scores (decimals allowed), and computes the average of them. Then print out a letter grade corresponding to the average; either A, B, C, D, or F. See examples below.
Use the following grading scale
At least 90: A otherwise at least 80: B otherwise at least 70: C otherwise at least 60: D otherwise: F
This is what the output should look like. How many grades will you be entering? 3 What is the next grade? 91.5 What is the next grade? 90.5 What is the next grade? 90 Here is the average: 90.66666666666667 This is an A.
here is what I have:
public class Grades1 { public static void main(String[] args) { double total; double grade; double scores; ConsoleIO.printLine("How many grades will you be entering?"); grade = ConsoleIO.readDouble(); scores = ConsoleIO.readDouble(); while (grade < 1) { ConsoleIO.printLine("you must enter a grade"); ConsoleIO.readDouble(); } ConsoleIO.printLine("What is the next grade?"); score = ConsoleIO.readDouble(); total = () ConsoleIO.printLine("Your grade is "); if (total > 90){ ConsoleIO.printLine("A"); } else if (total > 80) { ConsoleIO.printLine("B"); } else if (total > 70) { ConsoleIO.printLine("C"); } else if (total > 60) { ConsoleIO.printLine("D"); } else { ConsoleIO.printLine("F"); }
} }
First, make sure your JVM has any console attached to. System.console();
returns the unique Console
object associatedwith the current Java virtual machine, if any.
returns a java.io.Console
, which is the proper way to invoke it since Java5 (more or less..)
So you may be hitting a nullPointer if you execute it on a JVM without console.
That said, this is the code:
public static void main(String args[]) { double total=0, score=0; int grades=0; Console con = System.console(); PrintWriter w = con.writer(); //beware here (NPE) while (grades < 1) { w.println("How many grades will you be entering? Minimum is 1"); String numGrades = con.readLine(); grades = isNumeric(numGrades)?Integer.parseInt(numGrades):-1; if (grades<0) w.println("Please enter a valid value. You shithead."); } for (int i=0;i<grades;i++) { w.println("Enter score for grade nÂș"+(i+1)); String scoreS = con.readLine(); if (isNumeric(scoreS)) score += Double.parseDouble(scoreS); else { w.println("Come on man...not again.. Please enter a numeric value.."); --i; } } total = (score/grades*1D); char finalG = getFinalGrade(total); w.printf("Your score average is: %f - Grade : %s", total, finalG); }
public static boolean isNumeric(final String str) { if (str == null || str.length() == 0) return false; for (char c : str.toCharArray()) if (!Character.isDigit(c)) return false; return true; } public static char getFinalGrade(double total) { if (total >= 90) return 'A'; if (total >= 80) return 'B'; if (total >= 70) return 'C'; if (total >= 60) return 'D'; return 'F'; }