I’m trying to group a list of strings by the length. and then I want to get count of each group. and I did the first one and I can’t do the next. how can I fix my code with streams?
Stream.of(Stream.of("Brad","Jack","Leonardo","Alexander","Juliet","William","Audrey") .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(String::length))) .forEach(System.out::print);
output: {4=[Brad, Jack], 6=[Juliet, Audrey], 7=[William], 8=[Leonardo], 9=[Alexander]}
the next thing that I want to get is count of each group. How can I do that?
You can chain Collectors.counting()
Map<Integer,Long> counts = Stream.of("Brad","Jack","Leonardo","Alexander","Juliet","William","Audrey") .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(String::length, Collectors.counting()));
This will produce the following Map
{4=2, 6=2, 7=1, 8=1, 9=1}