My scenario is the following.
I have a swagger .json eg.: I want to use a generated java client for the REST API above, like:
PetApi petApi = new PetApi();
Pet pet = new Pet;
Expexted output: cica
and the new pet is stored according to the REST API implmentation.
I have successfully generated server stub for the petstore with the command:
java -jar modules/swagger-codegen-cli/target/swagger-codegen-cli.jar generate
-l spring-mvc
-o samples/server/petstore/spring-mvc
But this maven project code is a server code. It has annotations like @RequestMapping
and also has a WebMvcConfiguration.class
I do not want to have a server-stub. I want to have a client-library for the petstore REST API.
Is there a tool which can generate the appropriate client library for me? Should I modify the server-stub, hence it has all the models or should I use a simple springRestTemplate?
Thanks for the answers!
I think that you don’t use the right value for the parameter -l
of Swagger Codegen (you use spring-mvc
which is a server-side technology). You could try to use the value java
You could also notice that there is a tool, the Restlet Studio, that allows to generate code from Swagger content. For Java, it mainly relies on the Restlet framework but I think that it could suit your needs.
Hope it helps you, Thierry