Basically , I am wondering if there is a handy class or method to filter a String for unwanted characters. The output of the method should be the ‘cleaned’ String. Ie:
String dirtyString = "This contains spaces which are not allowed" String result = cleaner.getCleanedString(dirtyString);
Expecting result would be:
A better example:
String reallyDirty = " this*is#a*&very_dirty&String" String result = cleaner.getCleanedString(dirtyString);
I expect the result to be:
Because, i let the cleaner know that ‘ ‘, ‘*’, ‘#’, ‘&’ and ‘_’ are dirty characters. I can solve it by using a white/black list array of chars. But I don’t want to re-invent the wheel.
I was wondering if there is already such a thing that can ‘clean’ strings using a regex. Instead of writing this myself.
Addition: If you think cleaning a String could be done differently/better then I’m all ears as well of course
Another addition: – It is not only for spaces, but for any kind of character.
Edited based on your update: