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How to do unsigned integer left shift bit operation in Java 1.8 that matches C#?

I’m trying to port some code from C# to Java and I’m stuck on some low-level bit operations.

Here is an example snippet that I’m trying to figure out how to translate from C# to Java:




So far so good.

How do you convert this same thing to Java?

So in Java, I naively just tried turning all the uint to long, it’s not correct for all the values:


You get:


I’m guessing I have to make an additional shift operation to account for the extra bits in the long integer. And probably also have to account for the signed-ness of the integer as well when doing bit operations. But everything I’ve tried seems to come up wrong.

Does anyone have a guide on how to translate common C++/C# unsigned integer operations to work in Java?

UPDATE: I found a library on Maven central and it does have some nice unsigned int support, but lacks the bitwise operation libraries. Perhaps I should keep digging looking for an unsigned-bit-operation library.



The reason is that long in Java can hold a larger number than uint in C# can. uint is limited to 4,294,967,295 (0xFFFFFFFF) whereas Java’s long can hold up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Taking your example of 1265601397L << 2:

  • The C# result is 767438292
  • The Java result is 5062405588 (0x12DBE2DD4)
  • If we use a mask of 0xFFFFFFFF, then we get 0x2DBE2DD4, which equals 767438292

Therefore the solution is to use the bitwise AND operator (&) to apply the mask and get the C# int-equivalent value:



Input C# output Java output
1023326899 4093307596 4093307596
1265601397 767438292 767438292
3234840308 54459344 54459344
1673932182 2400761432 2400761432