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How to count HTML Tags if I have dynamic changes in these tags?

I want to count some tags in this page Link

I am trying to count the tags of opening positions so, I tried this code using java to count but I always find my count is = 0;

    public By cardsNumOfPositions = By.xpath("//div[@class='card']");
    List<WebElement> element = driver.findElements(cardsNumOfPositions);
    int countelements = element.size();

And I write this function to count:-

    public void printCountElements() {

Everytime the count is 0, I searched for an Iframe but I didn’t find any. so how can I get the size of this element?



Also, you can make countelements as a static variable.

like this:

static int countelements;

now since it’s static, its value will persist. You can call it like this:

public void printCountElements() {
    countelements = element.size();
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