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how to convert minutes to days,hours,minutes

how to convert minutes into days hours and minutes in java ( we have a week here , 7 days )

 public String timeConvert(int time){
   String t = "";

   int h = 00;
   int m = 00;

  // h= (int) (time / 60);
  // m = (int) (time % 60);

  // if(h>=24) h=00;

   if((time>=0) && (time<=24*60)){
      h= (int) (time / 60);
      m = (int) (time % 60);
   }else if((time>24*60) && (time<=24*60*2)){
       h= (int) (time / (1440));
      m = (int) (time % (1440));
   }else if((time>24*60*2) && (time<=24*60*3)){
       h= (int) (time / (2880));
      m = (int) (time % (2880));
   }else if((time>24*60*3) && (time<=24*60*4)){
       h= (int) (time / (2880*2));
      m = (int) (time % (2880*2));
   }else if((time>24*60*4) && (time<=24*60*5)){
       h= (int) (time / (2880*3));
      m = (int) (time % (2880*3));
   }else if((time>24*60*5) && (time<=24*60*6)){
       h= (int) (time / (2880*4));
      m = (int) (time % (2880*4));
   }else if((time>24*60*6) && (time<=24*60*7)){
       h= (int) (time / (2880*5));
      m = (int) (time % (2880*5));

   t =h+":"+m ;
   return t;

I tried this but it dont work




A shorter way. (Assumes time >= 0)

 public String timeConvert(int time) { 
   return time/24/60 + ":" + time/60%24 + ':' + time%60;
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