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How should I consume rest web service with ssl

I am supposed to write client which must fetch data from web service. I am follow this guide: The website has https. My code:


When I run my program I get this exception:


It seems like I need to enable ssl. Okay, I have follow few guides and they don’t really help me. One of them: I also tried to disable ssl(I did it in postman) it seems like some of solutions are outdated or I don’t get how to use them. Such an example is the best answer from this post: Disabling SSL Certificate Validation in Spring RestTemplate Please help me, I think my task must be very easy but this I have already spent a few hours trying to make this program work.



You need to add the certificate of the rest web service to the truststore file of the used JVM located at %JAVA_HOME%libsecuritycacerts.

For getting the certificate open the url you are calling in a chrome and download it. You can download the certificate by clicking on site information icon then details than copy to file as below: enter image description here

Afterwards open git bash by running it as administrator and run this command:


After adding it to the keystore you might want to restart the pc.

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