I’m programming with Java in Linux using Netbeans 7 and as my program (sometimes) could not exit (not in this eon, maybe) I create a thread to handle shutdown
Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new StopThread());
But when I launch the code with netbeans (F6) and stop it through the “STOP” button the thread is not created; but if I run the program through the terminal and send CTRL-c the thread is created.
The question is: what type of signal netbeans launches to terminate the program?
Or (better): how can i handle the stop of netbeans such that the thread is created if i force to stop the program?
Or is there a way to modify how the stop works?
Thank you!
You are on Linux and this makes it really easy. I have written very little test and observe the same behavior as you – with crtl+c running from the terminal hook is working, stopping in Netbeans it does not. Here are some workarounds:
- I’m on Gnome and when I find the running process in the System Monitor and press “End process” on it – hook is working.
Other, more universal way:
JavaScript$ ps ax | grep Hook
17144 ? Sl 1:21 /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/isopov/NetBeansProjects/ShutdownHookTest/build/classes:/home/isopov/NetBeansProjects/ShutdownHookTest/src shutdownhooktest.ShutdownHookTest
17176 pts/2 R+ 0:00 grep --color=auto Hook
$ kill -15 17144
Or in one line:
$ ps x | grep HookTest | grep java | awk '{print $1}' | xargs kill -15