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How do I determine the term frequency of the terms in each document?

I’m building an inverted index, but I can’t seem to get the correct frequencies when I check the database. I read everywhere that you should use a HashMap, but I’m not quite sure if this is the correct method of doing so. Any ideas?

public class Tokenize {

    public static void createIndex() throws Exception{
        ArrayList<Dokument> dok = new QueryHandler().getDokuments();
        ArrayList<String> queries = new ArrayList<String>();
        ArrayList<String> queries2 = new ArrayList<String>();
        HashMap<String, Integer> frek = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        for(int d = 0; d < dok.size(); d++){
            String token = "";
            int frekvens = 0;
                Dokument document = dok.get(d);
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(document.dokument());
                while (st.hasMoreTokens()) {
                    token = st.nextToken();
                    token.replaceAll("[']", "");
                    token.replaceAll("[,]", "");
                    token.replaceAll("[)]", "");
                    token.replaceAll("[(]", "");
                    token.replaceAll("[.]", "");
                    frekvens ++;
                    frek.put(token, frekvens);
                        queries.add("INSERT IGNORE INTO termindeks (docID, term) values ("+document.docID()+", '"+token+"')");
                        queries2.add("INSERT IGNORE INTO invertedindeks (term, docID, termfrekvens) values ('"+token+"', "+document.docID()+", "+ frekvens+")");

            catch (Exception e) {
        String[] ffs = new String[queries.size()];
        ffs = queries.toArray(ffs);
        String[] ffs2 = new String[queries2.size()];
        ffs2 = queries2.toArray(ffs2);




You should get the value for the token first, increment it and put it again.

Like this in your loop:

Integer frekvens = frek.get(token); //remove the other frekvens as it's not needed - or find a better name for this one ;)
if( frekvens == null ) { frekvens = 0 };
frek.put(token, frekvens);
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