I’m trying to check if the user inputs a string. If the user inputs a string, my program should output an error message. If the user enters an integer my program should proceed with the program
Here’s my code so far, I need to add another condition to check if the user inputs string, I tried some methods but they don’t work
public int UserInput() { boolean Continueasking = true; int Input = 0; while (Continueasking) { Input = io.nextInt(); if (Input == 1 || Input==2 || Input==3) { Continueasking = !Continueasking; } else { System.out.println("try again"); } } return Input;
parses user input as an integer. If the user input can’t be parsed as an integer, it throws InputMismatchException
. You can catch this exception and handle it as you see fit.
while (continueAsking) { try { input = io.nextInt(); } catch (InputMismatchException ex) { // invalid input - handle exception } }