I have a class of Form
and Student
. A student may have 0 or many forms. I set the relation between them as OneToMany
. Now, I need to fetch the forms that are owned by a specific student. I have two questions at that point. How should I fetch those forms in the URL? Let’s say I want to fetch the forms of the student with id=7.
Option 1:
Option 2:
Which one of them is most used or more reasonable?
The second problem is that. Normally, when I want to add a new method to the JpaRepo
. I just need to add the method that is served by Jpa such that findAll
, findByStudentId
. Since I have a list of forms in the Student entity/model. How can I fetch all the forms? Which named method should I use? To sum up, I need to know whether I should write the method in FormDataAccess
or StudentDataAccess
. And what should be the method name?
@Table(name = "student")
public class Student {
@Column(name = "Student_id")
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
@Column(name = "Student_name")
private String name;
@Column(name = "Course_id")
private int courseID;
private Long oasisID;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "student",fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private List<Form> forms;
Form Model
public class Form {
@Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
private int id;
@JoinColumn(name = "Student_id", nullable = false)
private Student student;
@JoinColumn(name = "Attending_id", nullable = false)
private AttendingPhysician attending;
@Column(name = "Kayit_no", nullable = false)
private String kayitNo;
@Column(name = "Staj_turu", nullable = false)
private String stajTuru;
@Column(name = "Yas", nullable = false)
private int yas;
@Column(name = "Cinsiyet", nullable = false)
private String cinsiyet;
@Column(name = "Sikayet", nullable = false)
private String sikayet;
@Column(name = "Ayirici_tani", nullable = false)
private String ayiriciTani;
@Column(name = "Kesin_tani", nullable = false)
private String kesinTani;
@Column(name = "Tedavi_yontemi", nullable = false)
private String tedaviYontemi;
@Column(name = "Etkilesim_turu", nullable = false)
private String etkilesimTuru;
@Column(name = "Kapsam", nullable = false)
private String kapsam;
@Column(name = "Gerceklestigi_ortam", nullable = false)
private String gerceklestigiOrtam;
@Column(name = "Status", nullable = false)
private String status;
@Column(name="Date_sent", nullable = false) // Convert to timestamp using java Date @CreationTimestamp, @UpdateTimestamp
private String dateSent;
The solution is really simple.
I just need to write a query in my FormDataAccess
@Query(" from Form where student.id = :studentId")
List<Form> findFormByStudentId(int studentId);
now I can retrieve the forms using this path
I still wonder how to retrieve the forms from the Student side, not Form side such that