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Download file with original file name

In my project I am uploading a file. While uploading, I am saving its original file name and extension in a database and saving that file with some GUID on server, generated GUID is also stored in database along with file name and extension.

For example-

-File name for uploading is questions.docx

-Then orignalFileName will be “questions”

-FileExtension will be “.docx”

-File be get uploaded with file name as “0c1b96d3-af54-40d1-814d-b863b7528b1c”

Uploading is working fine..but when I am downloading some file it gets downloaded with file name as the GUID in above case its “0c1b96d3-af54-40d1-814d-b863b7528b1c”.
How can I download a file with its original file name i.e “questions.docx”.

Code Added


Is this code is perfect?



You should set your origin file name into the response header, like below:


Hope to help you:)
