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Difference between treemap and concurrentskiplistmap? Possibility to use NavigableMap with a map structure for duplicate keys?

I’m a beginner in Java. I have a method as below:

 public void time_filter(Long t1, Long t2){
    NavigableMap<Long, Operations_enter> time_map = new TreeMap<Long, Operations_enter>();
    for(int i=0; i< tm.size();i++){
        Operations_enter op = new Operations_enter();
        op.cpuid_enter = cpu.get(i);
        op.func_enter = stt.get(i);
        op.time_enter = tm.get(i);
        op.src_enter = tok.get(i);

        time_map.put(op.time_enter, op);


    for(Map.Entry<Long, Operations_enter> entry: time_map.subMap(t1, true, t2, true).entrySet()){
        Integer time_func = entry.getValue().func_enter;
        System.out.println(" Filtered function numbers corresponding to given time range is" + time_func);


So like seen above, I implement a NavigableMap with TreeMap and Im able to filter for a given range using the subMap method in NavigableMap. But I have a problem now, the time_enter contains some duplicate keys, so when I use TreeMap, the values get overwritten by the latest added duplicate value. I understand that it is how TreeMap works. I tried using ConcurrentSkipListMap too, but the result was the same.

What is the actual difference between ConcurrentSkipListMap and TreeMap?? And is there a possibility to implement NavigableMap with either TreeMap or ConcurrentSkipListMap and at the same time have the duplicate values included in the NavigableMap?

EDIT The code looks like this now:

  NavigableMap<Long, Operations_enter> time_map = new TreeMap<Long, Operations_enter>(new Comparator<Long>() {
        public int compare(Long o1, Long o2) {
            return o1.equals(o2) ? 1 : o1.compareTo(o2);
    for(int i=0; i< tm.size();i++){
        Operations_enter op = new Operations_enter();
        op.cpuid_enter = cpu.get(i);
        op.func_enter = stt.get(i);
        op.time_enter = tm.get(i);
        op.src_enter = tok.get(i);

        time_map.put(op.time_enter, op);


    for(Map.Entry<Long, Operations_enter> entry: time_map.subMap(t1, true, t2, true).entrySet()){

       Integer time_func = entry.getValue().func_enter;
        System.out.println(" Filtered function numbers corresponding to given time range is" + time_func);



ConcurrentSkipListMap is a NavigableMap implementation designed to be safely used from multiple threads concurrently. This is its main difference from TreeMap. Since your time_map is a local variable it can be accessed only from current thread and you dont need ConcurrentSkipListMap.

If you need a TreeMap that allows duplicate keys, you can try to make a custom Comparator that never returns 0:

TreeMap<Integer, Object> m = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<Integer>() {
    public int compare(Integer o1, Integer o2) {
        return o1.equals(o2) ? 1 : o1.compareTo(o2);
m.put(0, 0);
m.put(1, 1);
m.put(1, 1);
m.put(1, 1);
m.put(2, 2);
m.put(3, 3);
m.put(4, 4);
System.out.println(m.subMap(0, false, 3, true));


{1=1, 1=1, 2=2, 3=3}

note that it breaks Map contract which may cause unexpected behavior eg m.containsKey(1) returns false instead you need to use m.subMap(0, false, 2, false) != null

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