My webClient calls work fine with @GetMapping, but @DeleteMapping isn’t even triggered. Here are the two methods I’m using:
//works MyItem myItem = webClient.get() .uri(url + "/items/" + tenant + "/" + itemId) .accept(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(MyItem.class) .block(); //returns without triggering the @DeleteMapping endpoint Mono<Void> resp = webClient.delete() .uri(url + "/items/" + tenant + "/" + itemId) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(Void.class) .then();
The endpoints are:
@RestController @RequestMapping("/items/{tenant}") public class ItemController { @GetMapping("/{id}") public MyItem findById(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String tenant, Authentication auth) { ... } @DeleteMapping("/{id}") public void deleteById(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String tenant, Authentication auth) { ... // breakpoint somewhere here ... } }
When I try to delete an item I get no errors, no 405, no 400, no 403, nothing. The webClient call returns normally (with a MonoIgnorePublisher object), but the endpoint seems to not be triggered at all (I put a breakpoint inside the deleteById method, nothing happened).
Any clues why this is happening?
That stream:
Mono<Void> resp = webClient.delete() .uri(url + "/items/" + tenant + "/" + itemId) .retrieve() .bodyToMono(Void.class) .then();
is not subscribed, you have to use block() or subscribe() at the end of stream to perform delete request.