How can i create a list of List from Array eg:
int[] arr = {3, 1, 5, 8, 2, 4}
Such that the lists in the List have only two elements eg:
[[3,1], [5,8], [2,4]]
So far i have tried code below but it return only lists with one element,I can’t figure out where i went wrong.
class ListList { public static List<List<Integer>> listOfList(int[] num){ List<List<Integer>> arrList = new ArrayList<>(); for(int i = 0 ; i<num.length;i++){ List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<>(); if(list.size() !=2){ list.add(num[i]); } arrList.add(list); } return arrList; } }
Result: [[3], [1], [5], [8], [2], [4]]
Here’s a generic one:
var arr = new int[] {3, 1, 5, 8, 2, 4}; var batchSize = 2; List<List<Integer>> lists = IntStream.range(0, arr.length) .mapToObj(index -> Map.entry(index, arr[index])) .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(e -> e.getKey() / batchSize)) .values().stream() .map(entries -> .toList(); System.out.println(lists);
[[3, 1], [5, 8], [2, 4]]
You are basically creating a mapping of index->value and subsequently grouping by the batchSize to make splits