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ControllerAdvice @InitBinder setDisallowedFields doesn’t work

A JAVA project has been built with spring boot version 2.5.3.

Due to the “Spring4shell” (CVE-2022-22965) security risk, we have to take mitigation actions.

It’s not possible to upgrade the Spring Boot version since several other dependencies are incompatible with the latest Spring Boot version. So, it has been decided to apply a suggested workaround according to

According to the guide, there are 2 workarounds suggested.

  1. Setting disallowedFields on WebDataBinder through an @ControllerAdvice method
  1. Extend RequestMappingHandlerAdapter to update the WebDataBinder:

Both of the approaches have been tried but none of them could reject the following request.


What can be the missing point of our approach?



Request will not be rejected by setting values to webDataBinder.setDisallowedFields().

WebDataBinder provides two methods setAllowedFields and setDisallowedFields to set the list of attribute names which can be and cannot be used in data binding process for model objects. This validation will happen in org.springframework.validation.DataBinder::doBind method. inside the doBind method disallowed fields will be removed from the field list
