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Concatenate list of paths in bash-script, with colon as separator

I have the following difficult to read script consisting of a single command:


As slight readability improvement I would like to list all the paths after the -classpath in a separate variable, each aligned after the other:


This way I can easier add and remove the paths, and sort them in Vim.

My question is: how to join them back for my command?


If all JAR-files would be located in the same dir, I could have used the new Java 8 wildcard syntax java -classpath "/that/dir/*" de.afarber.MyServlet – but that wasn’t the case here.



Since you are using bash, you can store the directory names in an array (with some refactoring just to make this example more readable):


Note you don’t need to end each line with a backslash; whitespace (including newlines) separate elements of the array. Once you have the array, you can join the elements with a colon using parameter expansion with a modified value of the IFS parameter.

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