Here is the Java code to find the shortest concatenation of elements of Array wordBank
to construct String Terget
, using Dynamic Programming.
Input: wordBank = {“ab”, “c”, “d”, “abc”, “ad”}, Target = “abcd”.
Output: {“abc”, “d”}.
To do this, I have stored the combination of elements as an ArrayList in a HashMap. However, the hashMap does not store the values correctly, i.e., the values change when I recursively call the function, although I have cloned the ArrayList before adding it to the map.
Any idea why this happens?
The code works well with arrays.
static ArrayList<String> bestConstruct(String target, String[] wordBank, HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> map) {
return new ArrayList<String>();
return map.get(target);
ArrayList<String> shortestCombination = null;
for (String word : wordBank) {
if(target.startsWith(word)) {
String newTarget = target.substring(word.length(), target.length());
ArrayList<String> combination = bestConstruct(newTarget, wordBank, map);
if(combination != null) {
if(shortestCombination == null || combination.size() < shortestCombination.size())
shortestCombination = (ArrayList<String>)(combination.clone());
map.put(target, (ArrayList<String>) (shortestCombination.clone()));
return shortestCombination;
The problem is the interaction between these lines:
return map.get(target);
ArrayList<String> combination = bestConstruct(newTarget, wordBank, map);
if(combination != null) {
If you return the memoized list, you’re updating it before you clone it.
In general, don’t rely on callers to “do the right thing”: if you don’t want the list in the map to be updated, do the copy yourself before you return it:
return new ArrayList<>(map.get(target));
You may also need to handle the case of a string not being able to be constructed from the word bank.