If I run following these two tests I get the error.
1st test
@Rule public GrpcCleanupRule grpcCleanup = new GrpcCleanupRule(); @Test public void findAll() throws Exception { // Generate a unique in-process server name. String serverName = InProcessServerBuilder.generateName(); // Create a server, add service, start, and register for automatic graceful shutdown. grpcCleanup.register(InProcessServerBuilder .forName(serverName) .directExecutor() .addService(new Data(mockMongoDatabase)) .build() .start()); // Create a client channel and register for automatic graceful shutdown. RoleServiceGrpc.RoleServiceBlockingStub stub = RoleServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub( grpcCleanup.register(InProcessChannelBuilder .forName(serverName) .directExecutor() .build())); RoleOuter.Response response = stub.findAll(Empty.getDefaultInstance()); assertNotNull(response); }
2nd test
@Test public void testFindAll() { ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8081) .usePlaintext() .build(); RoleServiceGrpc.RoleServiceBlockingStub stub = RoleServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel); RoleOuter.Response response = stub.findAll(Empty.newBuilder().build()); assertNotNull(response); }
io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper$ManagedChannelReference cleanQueue SEVERE: ~~~ Channel ManagedChannelImpl{logId=1, target=localhost:8081} was not shutdown properly!!! ~~~ Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true.
java.lang.RuntimeException: ManagedChannel allocation site at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper$ManagedChannelReference.(ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper.java:94)
If I comment out one of them, then no errors, unit tests pass though but the exception is thrown if both are ran together.
Based on the suggestion.
@Test public void testFindAll() { ManagedChannel channel = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 8081) .usePlaintext() .build(); RoleServiceGrpc.RoleServiceBlockingStub stub = RoleServiceGrpc.newBlockingStub(channel); RoleOuter.Response response = stub.findAll(Empty.newBuilder().build()); assertNotNull(response); channel.shutdown(); }
Hey I just faced similar issue using Dialogflow V2 Java SDK where I received the error
Oct 19, 2019 4:12:23 PM io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelOrphanWrapper$ManagedChannelReference cleanQueue SEVERE: *~*~*~ Channel ManagedChannelImpl{logId=41, target=dialogflow.googleapis.com:443} was not shutdown properly!!! ~*~*~* Make sure to call shutdown()/shutdownNow() and wait until awaitTermination() returns true.
Also, Having a huge customer base we started running into out of memory unable to create native thread
After performing a lot of Debugging operations and Using Visual VM Thread Monitoring I finally figured out that the problem was because of SessionsClient
not closing. So I used the attached code block to solve that issue. Post testing that block I was finally able to free up all the used threads and also the error mentioned earlier was resolved.
SessionsClient sessionsClient = null; QueryResult queryResult = null; try { SessionsSettings.Builder settingsBuilder = SessionsSettings.newBuilder(); SessionsSettings sessionsSettings = settingsBuilder .setCredentialsProvider(FixedCredentialsProvider.create(credentials)).build(); sessionsClient = SessionsClient.create(sessionsSettings); SessionName session = SessionName.of(projectId, senderId); com.google.cloud.dialogflow.v2.TextInput.Builder textInput = TextInput.newBuilder().setText(message) .setLanguageCode(languageCode); QueryInput queryInput = QueryInput.newBuilder().setText(textInput).build(); DetectIntentResponse response = sessionsClient.detectIntent(session, queryInput); queryResult = response.getQueryResult(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { sessionsClient.close(); }