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Change all letters except space from a string using Java

I want to change all letters from a string to “-” char except space using Java.

I tried:

String out = secretWord.replaceAll("^ " , "-");


String out = secretWord.replaceAll("\s" , "-");

They didn’t work.

I tried:

String newWord = secretWord.replaceAll("[A-Z]" , "-");

It worked but i didn’t change Turkish characters I use in that string.

Original Code:

public class ChangeToLine {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String originalWord = "ABİDİKUŞ GUBİDİKUŞ";
        String secretWord = originalWord;



You can use the \S regex:

String s = "Sonra görüşürüz";
String replaced = s.replaceAll("\S", "-");
System.out.println(replaced); // outputs ----- ---------
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