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Cash to Change in Java

I am new to Java and was trying to write code that would tell you how much change you would receive for a given amount of money (in minimum number of coins). For example $0.31 would give 1 quarters, 0 dimes, 1 nickels, 1 pennies.

I got to a point where my code seemed to work. However, while most values work, specifically any multiple of 0.41 doesn’t work (ex. 0.41, 0.82 …). For example $0.41 results in 1 quarters, 1 dimes, 1 nickels, 0 pennies, which only adds up to $0.40.

Here is my code:

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Cash {
    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner scanner_obj = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter Amount: $");
        double amount = Double.parseDouble(scanner_obj.nextLine());
        double[] change = calc_Change(amount);

        System.out.println(change[0] + " Quarters");
        System.out.println(change[1] + " Dimes");
        System.out.println(change[2] + " Nickels");
        System.out.println(change[3] + " Pennies");

        System.out.println(check_Change(amount, change));

    public static double[] calc_Change(double amount){
        double[] change = {0, 0, 0, 0};

        while (amount >= 0.25){amount -= 0.25; change[0] += 1;}
        while (amount >= 0.10){amount -= 0.10; change[1] += 1;}
        while (amount >= 0.05){amount -= 0.05; change[2] += 1;}
        while (amount >= 0.01){amount -= 0.01; change[3] += 1;}

        return change;

    public static boolean check_Change(double amount, double[] change){
        double total = change[0]*0.25 + change[1]*0.10 + change[2]*0.05 + change[3]*0.01;
        System.out.println(amount + " vs " + total);

        return (amount == total);

I was using the check_Change function to check my results.

I don’t know why this doesn’t work and why it is only certain numbers.



When you are subtracting from a double – the internal representation is not exact – running your code and printing out the amount every time you subtract yields the following:


As you can see the binary representation of the double is not exact…

try convert to an int (i.e. multiply by 100) then do the calculations

public class CashMain {

    public static void main(String[] args){
        Scanner scanner_obj = new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter Amount: $");
        double amount = Double.parseDouble(scanner_obj.nextLine());
        int numCents = (int) (amount*100);
        int[] change = calc_Change(numCents);

        System.out.println(change[0] + " Quarters");
        System.out.println(change[1] + " Dimes");
        System.out.println(change[2] + " Nickels");
        System.out.println(change[3] + " Pennies");

        System.out.println(check_Change(numCents, change));

    public static int[] calc_Change(int amount){
        int[] change = {0, 0, 0, 0};

        while (amount >= 25){
            amount -= 25; 
            change[0] += 1;
        while (amount >= 10){
            amount -= 10; 
            change[1] += 1;
        while (amount >= 5){
            amount -= 5; 
            change[2] += 1;
        while (amount >= 1){
            amount -= 1; 
            change[3] += 1;

        return change;

    public static boolean check_Change(int amount, int[] change){
        int total = change[0]*25 + change[1]*10 + change[2]*5 + change[3]*1;
        System.out.println(amount + " vs " + total);

        return (amount == total);


Enter Amount: $0.41
1 Quarters
1 Dimes
1 Nickels
1 Pennies
41 vs 41
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