I have the following class:
public abstract class Map { protected PriorityQueue<Node> openNodes; }
My implementation currently work like this:
public Map() { PriorityQueue<Node> openNodes = new PriorityQueue<Node>((Node node1, Node node2) -> Integer.compare(node1.getFinalCost(), node2.getFinalCost())); }
However, I would like to use an implementation like this aswell:
public Map() { PriorityQueue<Node> openNodes = new PriorityQueue<Node>((Node node1, Node node2) -> Integer.compare(node1.getHeuristicCost(), node2.getHeuristicCost())); }
Is there any way to pass the heuristicCost or the finalCost fields of my Node class to the constructor to achieve these different behaviours? Something like this:
public Map(*fieldName*) { PriorityQueue<Node> openNodes = new PriorityQueue<Node>((Node node1, Node node2) -> Integer.compare(node1.get*fieldName*(), node2.get*fieldName*())); }
If not, could you suggest a solution to achieve this?
You can create a comparator from a method reference, using Comparator.comparingInt
public Map(ToIntFunction<Node> compareBy) { this.openNodes = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(compareBy)); }
Then you can write new Map(Node::getFinalCost)
or new Map(Node::getHeuristicCost)