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An error while deploying ear on local websphere in intellij

I’m trying to deploy an ear on WAS using Intellij’s IBM Websphere configuration.

I see the following log:


Configuration is pretty standard, nothing different. Doing this on a windows OS, with WAS version being 8.5.17 and latest version of Intellij.

Server Setup

enter image description here

enter image description here

Edit: When I do a refresh, I see this


So, essentially Intellij is not able to establish connection with the websphere.



We had exactly the same symptom and we have 2 different solutions for this (tested on 2020.3): Via Windows cmd line: mklink /D Program%20Files “Program Files”

via IntelliJ: Menu Help/Edit Custom VM Options… Add the following VM option and restart IntelliJ: -Didea.dynamic.classpath=true
