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Add context path to Spring Boot application

I am trying to set a Spring Boot applications context root programmatically. The reason for the context root is we want the app to be accessed from localhost:port/{app_name} and have all the controller paths append to it.

Here is the application configuration file for the web-app.


Here is the index controller for the main page.


The new root of the application should be at localhost:12378/mainstay, but it is still located at localhost:12378.

What am I missing that is causing Spring Boot to not append the context root before the request mapping?



Why are you trying to roll your own solution. Spring-boot already supports that.

If you don’t already have one, add an file to srcmainresources. In that properties file, add 2 properties:


UPDATE (Spring Boot 2.0)

As of Spring Boot 2.0 (due to the support of both Spring MVC and Spring WebFlux) the contextPath has been changed to the following:


You can then remove your configuration for the custom servlet container. If you need to do some post processing on the container you can add a EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer implementation to your configuration (for instance to add the error pages).

Basically the properties inside the serve as a default you can always override them by using another next to the artifact you deliver or by adding JVM parameters (-Dserver.port=6666).

See also The Reference Guide especially the properties section.

The class ServerProperties implements the EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer. The default for contextPath is "". In your code sample you are setting the contextPath directly on the TomcatEmbeddedServletContainerFactory. Next the ServerProperties instance will process this instance and reset it from your path to "". (This line does a null check but as the default is "" it always fail and set the context to "" and thus overriding yours).

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