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About Dell server’s virtual terminal

(I haven’t ssh password T_T) When I try to start virtual terminal from Dell server panel ,The server give me a file:”viewer.jnlp…”. I run this file by javaws.exe and it has some error:

Unsigned applications requesting unrestricted access to the system The following resources have been signed using the weak signature algorithm MD5withRSA and are considered unsigned.

How I solve it?



OK so I haven’t experience this directly myself1, but I think you trying to use an old version of Dell’s IDRAC firmware. The problem will be that your version of IDRAC was designed to work with an old version of Java, and its JAR file is signed with MD5 signatures … which recent versions consider to be insecure.

Your ideal solution will be to upgrade to a newer version of IDRAC. If that’s not practical, you need to get hold of a version of Java that is compatible.

Check the release notes for the version of IDRAC that you are using.

See also: idrac 6/7 console browser/java compatibility chart?

The other problem is going to be that IDRAC is relying on jnlp, and jnlp support was deprecated2 in Java 9 and dropped in Java 11. (But there is OpenWebStart.)

1 – … but I have seen coworkers in “ops” struggling with this problem.
2 – Actually it is a bit more complicated than that. Some Oracle sources say that the launch technology was deprecated in Java 9, and others still suggest Webstart as an alternative for Applets in Java 9. But this is moot, since it was dropped in Java 11, and Java 9 is EOL.

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