I’m following one of the play framework tutorials, but I’m getting compile errors whenever I try to use reverse routing. Firstly,
public static Result javascriptRoutes() { response().setContentType("text/javascript"); return ok( Routes.javascriptRouter("jsRoutes", controllers.routes.javascript.Projects.add(), controllers.routes.javascript.Projects.delete(), controllers.routes.javascript.Projects.rename(), controllers.routes.javascript.Projects.addGroup() ) ); }
where the error shown in intelliJ is ‘cannot resolve method javascriptRouter(java.lang.String, ?, ?, ?, ?)’
But also in the a unit test:
@Test public void notAuthenticated() { Result result = callAction( controllers.routes.ref.Application.index(), fakeRequest() ); assertEquals(303, status(result)); assertEquals("/login", header("Location", result)); }
where it cannot resolve the index method.
Is this a problem with intelliJ, or am I missing something within play?
For the first part, here is the entry in my routes file:
GET /assets/javascripts/routes controllers.Application.javascriptRoutes()
and my controller, Projects, has got the defined methods.
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