I am trying to write a method that takes in a list of numeric values – eg List<Integer>
, List<Float>
, List<Double>
etc – and give me the average.
public double getAverage(List<? extends Number> stats) { double sum = 0.00; if(!stats.isEmpty()) { // sum = stats.stream() // .reduce(0, (a, b) -> a + b); // return sum / stats.size(); } }
These are the errors I get:
Operator ‘+’ cannot be applied to ‘capture<? extends java.lang.Number>’, ‘capture<? extends java.lang.Number>’
OptionalDouble average()
Where, OptionalDouble is a container object which may or may not contain a double value.
public class Test { public static OptionalDouble getAverage(List<? extends Number> stats) { return stats. stream(). mapToDouble(d -> d.doubleValue()). average(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(1, 4, 5, 67, 3); if(getAverage(list).isPresent()); { Double average = getAverage(list).getAsDouble(); System.out.println(average); } } }
Using Goolge Guava
Double averge = Stats.meanOf(list);
it gets syntactically simplified