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Double-ended queue – mask integer

I’m having a hard time understanding what the mask integer is for (2nd line). I get that it regulates where values are placed in a double-ended queue, but I don’t get how exactly. This is part of the code from a double-ended queue just to have some context.

public class DEQueue {
    private int mask = (1 << 3) - 1;
    private String[] es = new String[mask + 1];
    private int head, tail;

    public void addFirst(String e) {
        es[head = (head - 1) & mask] = e;
        if (tail == head) {

    public String pollFirst() {
        String result = es[head];
        es[head] = null;
        if (tail != head) {
            head = (head + 1) & mask;
        return result;

    public String peekFirst() {
        return es[head];

    public void addLast(String e) {
        es[tail] = e;
        tail = (tail + 1) & mask;
        if (tail == head) {



mask is used to wrap around the head and tail indices when new elements are added or removed. To be usable as bit mask, it is created by first shifting 1 a certain number of bits (here 3) and then performing - 1 to set all lower bits to 1.

In your example the initial value is (1 << 3) - 1, which is equivalent to binary 111. This represents an initial deque (double-ended queue) capacity of 8 (23) due to the 0 being used as index as well.

Now let’s imagine for an empty deque addFirst(...) is called:

  1. head is initially 0
  2. head - 1 is -1, due to being in two’s complement this is equivalent to binary 1…111 (all bits are 1)
  3. Applying & mask works as bit mask and only selects the bits which have the value 1 in mask, that is the lowest three bits, here: 1...111 & 111. This wraps the -1 from the previous step to a 7 (binary 111).

In the end that means the addFirst(...) call caused head to wrap around and place the element at es[7], the last position in the array.

Now let’s consider the similar situation of calling addLast(...) when tail already points to the last element of the array, assuming this index 7 here again. Note that in your implementation tail seems to point to the next free index at the end of the deque.

  1. tail + 1 is 8, the binary representation is 1000
  2. & mask again works as bit mask, 1000 & 111. It again only selects the lowest three bits, which are all 0 in this case. This effectively wraps the 8 to a 0, the first index in the array.

(The situation is the same for calls to pollFirst())

For all other calls to addFirst(...) and addLast(...) applying the bit mask & mask has no effect and leaves the indices unchanged because they are in range [0, array.length).

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