@GetMapping(value = "/{id}", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public ResponseEntity<StockDTO> findById(@PathVariable Long id){ List<StockDTO> list = new ArrayList<>(); StockDTO dto1= new StockDTO(); dto1.setId(1L); dto1.setNameStock("AF"); dto1.setPrice(100D); dto1.setVariation(10D); dto1.setDateStock(LocalDate.now()); StockDTO dto2 = new StockDTO(); dto2.setId(2L); dto2.setNameStock("AF2"); dto2.setPrice(200D); dto2.setVariation(20D); dto2.setDateStock(LocalDate.now()); list.add(dto1); list.add(dto2); StockDTO dtoSelect = list.stream().filter(x -> x.getId().compareTo(id)== 0).findFirst().get(); return ResponseEntity.ok(dtoSelect); }
I’m creating an endpoint to list just a single object with findById, and using lambda to go through the list and find the id, but the terminal is acusing an error because of the compareTo(id) part.
‘java: long cannot be dereferenced’
Need some help.
well id
is long
, so you should use ==
instead of .compareTo()
StockDTO dtoSelect = list.stream().filter(x -> x.getId() == id).findFirst().get();
Or “box” the id
using Long.valueOf(id)
…btw, maybe you should use .equals()
instead of .compareTo() == 0