A problem occurred while the Java project was in progress, so I asked a question.
For example, suppose we have this Object in JavaScript.
let testObject = { 'Fruit' : [], 'Food': [] }
I can add a value to the food array.
testObject['Fruit'].push('tomato'); testObject['Food'].unshift('ramen');
Like javascript, java directly pushes a value to a list of objects.
HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>> testObject = new HashMap<>(); testObject.put("Food",new ArrayList<>()); testObject.put("Fruit",new ArrayList<>()); for(T etc : testObject...){ if(etc...equals("Fruit")){ etc..add('tomato'); }else if(etc..equals("Food")){ etc..add('ramen'); } }
Is there any way other than to declare ArrayList in advance using call by reference and put it in testObject?
As of java 8+ you can try something like this:
Map<String, Collection<String>> food = new HashMap<>(); // ... any code ... food.computeIfAbsent("fruits", k -> new ArrayList<String>()).add("apple");