import java.util.*; import java.lang.*; public class FindMissingNumbers { public static void main(String[] args) { String input1="1 2 3 3 5 5"; String[] input2 = input1.split(" "); int l1=0; int a=1; final int[] l2 = { 0 }; HashMap<Integer,Integer> has = new HashMap<>(); for (int i=0;i< input2.length;i++){ if(input2[i] == null || input2[i] ==" ") continue; if(Integer.parseInt(input2[i]) != a){ l1++; } if(has.containsKey(Integer.parseInt(input2[i]))){ has.put(Integer.parseInt(input2[i]),has.get(Integer.parseInt(input2[i]))+1); } else{ has.put(Integer.parseInt(input2[i]),1); } a++; } String ans = String.valueOf(l1); has.forEach((k,v)-> { if(v>1){ l2[0]++; } }); String final_ans = ans+l2[0]; return final_ans; } }
Giving error as Void methods cannot return a value. If am trying to change the method as static and removing void it’s not running as java application.
main is void, so it should not return anything, you cannot have a return statement in the main method.
Every method must contain a return type ( example int, long, double, int[] , and void where void means the method will not return anything).
if you try to run a method without a return type then it will not run.
public static void main(String[] args) {}
this method’s return type is void, it means there should not be a return statement inside this method
but you are returning the ans in the end
return final_ans;
therefore, to run the application you need to remove the return statement and instead you can print the answer to the console like this