Whatever a video is made on Youtube, I do the same, Java language is used in the video, and I try to do it with Kotlin. I do exactly the same. I tried all the situations but could not fix them. I would be glad if you help
//MainActiviy var photoList: List<Photo>? = null ... photoList = ArrayList() ... photoList = ArrayList(Arrays.asList(demoModel!!.photos)) //Model data class DemoModel( @SerializedName("photos") var photos: List<Photo>? = null ) //Adapter class Adapter(private val context: Context, private val photoList: List<Photo>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<Adapter.MyViewHolder>() {
This is how I fixed it, but this time only the last value appears in the recyclerView @aldrin
//In call; val demoModel = response.body() demoModel?.let { PutDataIntoRecyclerView(ArrayList(Arrays.asList(it.photos))) } //In recyclerView function; fun PutDataIntoRecyclerView(photoList: List<List<Photo>?>) { val adapter = Adapter(this, photoList) binding.recyclerViewID.setLayoutManager(LinearLayoutManager(this)) binding.recyclerViewID.adapter = adapter } //In Adapter class Adapter(private val context: Context, private val photoList: List<List<Photo>?>) : RecyclerView.Adapter<Adapter.MyViewHolder>() { .... //In Adapter onBindViewHolder; override fun onBindViewHolder(holder: MyViewHolder, position: Int) { val myList = photoList[position] myList?.forEach { println(it.imgSrc) holder.photoId?.text = it.id.toString() holder.photoSol?.text = it.sol.toString() holder.photoEarthDate?.text = it.earthDate.toString() } }