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Shuffle a string via swapping content to different index

I have an assignment in which we are instructed to create a method which takes a string, scrambles the content of the string, and then returns the scrambled string (ie “Hello” returns “elloH”). However, we are only allowed to do this via loops and basic string functions (no arrays can be used).

My Teacher has left the following suggestion for us:

The best way to shuffle is to generate 2 random numbers (index number) and swap the numbers(the content, not the index) based on the random index numbers. Continue to do it for 100 times, they are shuffled and all characters remain the same but in different positions

How would this nessasarily be done? For reference here is my try at the solution, however it does not work and I’m not sure where to go from here:

public void shuffle(String s1) {
    int i1 = 0;
    int i2 = 0;
    String s2 = "";

    for(int a2 = 0; a2 < s1.length(); a2++) {
        char c1 = s1.charAt(i1);
        s2 += c1;

        for(int a1 = 0; a1 < 100; a1++) {
            double d1 = Math.random();
            d1 *= (s1.length()-1);
            i1 = (int) d1; 



The problem with your code is that you don’t swap characters in the String but rather select randomly across the String which causes some characters to be used many times and some not at all.

I would do something like this using StringBuilder that is suitable for String manipulations as long as the String itself is immutable (calling any method from it does not change the former object but returns a new one).

// it's a good practice to delcare formal parameters in a method as final
public void shuffle(final String string) { 
    // store the string length to a variable for sake of comfort
    final int length = string.length();
    // use mutable StringBuilder for easy String manipulations
    final StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(string);
    // initialize the Random object generator once and use many times
    // as you don't want to initialize with each loop and throw it away
    final Random random = new Random();

    // define the number of iterations
    // to repeat as many times as the string is long is more than enough
    for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
        // pick two random indices to be swapped
        final int firstIndex = random.nextInt(length);
        final int secondIndex = random.nextInt(length);
        // remember the swapped characters
        // otherwise it would end up in a mess and duplicated characters
        final char firstChar = stringBuilder.charAt(firstIndex);
        final char secondChar = stringBuilder.charAt(secondIndex);
        // perform the swap: basically set the characters to their positions
        stringBuilder.setCharAt(firstIndex, secondChar);
        stringBuilder.setCharAt(secondIndex, firstChar);
    // and see the result

Run three times (it looks nicely swapped and the characters remain unchanged):

WoodeHl rl!l
Wer lldooHl!
HW! llrloeod