I’ve been trying to write a simple function in Java that can calculate a number to the nth power without using loops.
I then found the Math.pow(a, b) class… or method still can’t distinguish the two am not so good with theory. So i wrote this..
public static void main(String[] args) { int a = 2; int b = 31; System.out.println(Math.pow(a, b)); }
Then i wanted to make my own Math.pow without using loops i wanted it to look more simple than loops, like using some type of Repeat I made a lot of research till i came across the commons-lang3 package i tried using StringUtils.repeat
So far I think this is the Syntax:-
public static String repeat(String str, int repeat) StringUtils.repeat("ab", 2);
The problem i’ve been facing the past 24hrs or more is that StringUtils.repeat(String str, int 2); repeats strings not out puts or numbers or calculations.
Is there anything i can do to overcome this or is there any other better approach to creating a function that calculates powers?
without using loops or Math.pow
This might be funny but it took me while to figure out that StringUtils.repeat only repeats strings this is how i tried to overcome it. incase it helps
public static int repeat(int cal, int repeat){ cal = 2+2; int result = StringUtils.repeat(cal,2); return result; }
can i not use recursion maybe some thing like this
public static RepeatThis(String a) { System.out.println(a); RepeatThis(a); }
just trying to understand java in dept thanks for all your comments even if there were syntax errors as long as the logic was understood that was good for me 🙂
Try with recursion:
int pow(int base, int power){ if(power == 0) return 1; return base * pow(base, --power); }