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Java Stream API – Group by items of an object’s inner list

Is there a way to achieve the following example code, leveraging Java Stream API rather than having to create a HashMap and populate it inside double forEaches? I was trying to play around with groupingBy and flatMap but couldn’t find a way out.

Having a list of Movies, where each one has a list of genres (Strings)…

class Movie {
    List<String> genres;
List<Movie> movies = new ArrayList<>();

…I want to group all the movies by genre

Map<String, List<Movie>> moviesByGenre = new HashMap();
        .forEach(movie -> movie.getGenres()
                .forEach(genre -> moviesByGenre
                        .computeIfAbsent(genre, k -> new ArrayList<>())



This one is tricky because you cannot define a key for each Movie since such an object can appear under multiple keys.

The best solution is as far as I know equal to yours:

Map<String, List<Movie>> groupedMovies = new HashMap<>();
movies.forEach(movie -> {
    movie.getGenres().forEach(genre ->
        groupedMovies.computeIfAbsent(genre, g -> new ArrayList<>()).add(movie)

If you want to “convert” this snippet into , you have to start with what you have – which is the individual genres. Extract them from each Movie using flatMap and distinct to avoid duplicates. Then use a Collector.toMap to get the desired output.

  • Key: Function.identity() to map each unique genre as a key itself.
  • Value: Use another Stream to filter out the movies containing a particular genre to assign them to the key.
Map<String, List<Movie>> groupedMovies =
            genre ->
                           .filter(movie -> movie.getGenres().contains(genre))

The procedural approach in the first snippet is faster, easier to read and understand. I don’t recommend using here.

A note.. there is no meaning of using forEach right after stream: The sequence of can be list.forEach(...) instead.

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