I cant figure out why this method only return false, this is what ive got:
public static boolean something(String word){ for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++){ char c = word.charAt(i); if((Character.isUpperCase(c)) && (Character.isDigit(c)) && (Character.isLetter(c)) && (Character.isLowerCase(c)) && (password.length() >= 8 && password.length() <=15)); return true; } return false; } }
There is something i am missing, can somebody give me a hint? The code is supposed to check for that string word is between 8 and 15 characters, that it only contains letters and digits, contains at least one upper-case letter, contains at least one lower-case letter, contains at least one digit
You’re using AND (&&) for your test, which will always be false if you’re testing a character to be Upper Case AND a digit AND a letter AND lower case
If I may, I would recommend that you handle some of these as separate tests. For the requirements you’re specifying my pseudo code would be like this:
- Set UpperCaseFound, LowerCaseFound, digitFound to not found
- If password length is < 8 or > 15 then return false
- for each char
- if char is UpperCase set UpperCaseFound to true
- else if char is LowerCase set LowerCaseFound to true
- else if char is digit set DigitFound to true
- else return false (as anything not upper, lower or digit is not acceptable)
- if UpperCase && LowerCase && digitFound is found then return true
Hope it helps