I’m trying to connect Snowflake to Spring boot based application. Everything works well however due to some crazy defaults in snowflake, I’m having to deal with the below error: https://community.snowflake.com/s/article/SAP-BW-Java-lang-NoClassDefFoundError-for-Apache-arrow
I can fire the queries via Spring data JPA but not able to map the results at all. The solution asks for changing the default resultset format from ARROW to JSON:
Customer can use this property (jdbc_query_result_format=json) in datasouce property of Application server or session property in application like Statement = connection.createStatement(); Statement.executeQuery("ALTER SESSION SET JDBC_QUERY_RESULT_FORMAT='JSON'");
I’m just wondering how could I achieve that with Spring ie. run the above SQL in the bootstrap period. I’m using Spring data JPA queries.
The parameter JDBC_QUERY_RESULT_FORMAT can be set per account/user/session, therefore if you always want to have JSON for that user you can set it directly via Snowflake UI only once:
This would only impact your user and the account would still have ARROW as default. And you wouldn’t need to set it at session level all the time.